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Pure Land Farms: Tibetan Losar Festival

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48 hours of non-stop online events celebrating Tibetan culture through music, arts, dharma, healing, movies, astrology, and cooking!


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100% of proceeds from this event support Tibetan cultural, educational and charitable organizations:

Jhamtse Gatsal

‘Jhamtse’ is a Tibetan word that means love and compassion. Our primary mission is to support the Jhamtse Gatsal Children’s Community. Featured in the Emmy Award-winning documentary “Tashi and The Monk,” Jhamtse Gatsal is a loving home and learning community for at-risk children. At Jhamtse Gatsal, abandoned children are learning how to grow into healthy, happy, and resilient human beings - future leaders and Jhamtse Ambassadors.

Ngoenga School

Ngoenga school is the one and only kind of special school for Tibetan community in exile directly run and managed by Tibetan Voluntary Health Association, through Department of Health, Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamsala. It renders rehabilitation and residential center catering mainly to the young physically and mentally challenged Tibetan refugees staying in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet.

Rigzin Rabphel Ling

Located in Amdo, Tibet Rigzin Rabphel Ling is the first important Ngakpa temple in the area. The great master Rigdzin Palden Tashi (1688-1743) created and revitalized the Ngakpa tradition of Rebkong, and used this temple as his base. It has remained an important cultural and spiritual center, and the surrounding village region is populated by Ngakpa families that maintain a unique cultural tradition that emphasizes balancing agricultural life with intensive spiritual practices for both men and women. Your contributions will help to restore this important temple, thereby contributing to the preservation and continuation of the unique Ngakpa culture and practice in Tibet.

Dakini Project

Dakini project is a non-profit and non-governmental organization based in Amdo, Tibet initiated in 2012. Dakini Project provides children whose families suffer from financial obstacles with school tuition and monthly allowance in the Tseko and Rebkong counties. Dakini Project develops educational programming that provides a space for traditional Tibetan values about life, the value of spiritual women in Tibet, relationship, and death to be seen and heard by the younger generations through modern media channels.

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Earlier Event: October 28
Mudra & The Diamond Spheres