Immersion into the sacred dance and sound tradition of Nepal! Lead by Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya, both a priest in Vajrayana Buddhist lineage of Nepal and ritual master of the Charya Nritya dance tradition. Prajwal’s workshop introduces the theory, movement style, accompanying visualizations, and chants. This workshop is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in healing arts, sacred movement, meditation, Buddhism, or performance traditions.
The weekend will end with our community cultural Musica Mundi: Nepal festival including live music and dance performances, mini workshops, art exhibitions, food and more!
Friday July 19th, 7PM: Public Introduction, open to all
Saturday July 20th: 9 AM - 5PM; Sunday July 21st at 9AM - 12PM:
Awakening the Body Workshop (limited on site residential options available)
Sunday July 22nd, 2 - 8PM: Musica Mundi: Nepal | Music, Dance, and Arts Cultural Day!
$250 Early bird price | $295 after 7/1/2019
*includes public talk & admission to Musica Mundi; supplemental fee for onsite accommodation
Prajwal is a priest of one of the Vajrayana Buddhist lineages of Nepal and a ritual master both of the Charya Nritya dance tradition and other ritual forms performed by the Newar Vajracharya lineage. Prajwal began his training in Charya Nritya at eight years old, receiving formal instruction mainly from his father, the Buddhist scholar and ritual master Ratna Kaji Vajracharya. Prajwal Vajracharya is now the premier teacher, practitioner, and performer of the tradition and is a veteran of several world tours with beginning and advanced students around the globe. He founded Dance Mandal: Foundation for Sacred Buddhist Arts of Nepal to preserve and expand this rare art form and its related traditions. With the survival of this sacred ritual dance threatened by modernization, Prajwal, at his father’s wishes, has dedicated his life to bringing this unique Buddhist heritage from the temples of Nepal to the world, while adhering to its original purpose as a profound spiritual practice.